MODW.NETGames / Action → Granny 3
Granny 3

Download Granny 3 1.2 MOD APK FREE

3.5 (2)
  • Granny 3 MOD
  • Granny 3 MOD
  • Granny 3 MOD

Granny 3 [MOD - Menu] - is a suspenseful and challenging mobile game that is sure to keep players on the edge of their seats. The game takes place in a creepy and abandoned mansion, where players must find a way to escape while avoiding the clutches of the granny, who is on a mission to capture them. The game's haunting atmosphere, eerie sound effects, and creepy visuals create a truly immersive gaming experience that is sure to keep players entertained for hours. The game's challenging puzzles and obstacles make it an excellent choice for players looking for a challenge, while its simple controls and intuitive gameplay make it easy for even younger players to jump into the action. Whether you're a seasoned fan of the Granny franchise or a newcomer to the world of scary mobile games, Granny 3 is a must-play that is sure to keep you entertained for hours. So why wait? Download Granny 3 today and start your journey through the abandoned mansion!

Download Granny 3 [MOD - Menu] 1.2.apk
Download (100.4 Mb)
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The game Granny 3.apk has been tested and does not contain any viruses!

Site MODW.NET checks every game and program, goes through a long check for performance, each mod contains a lot of useful features that will simplify your gameplay.
Updated: 27-02-2024, 08:13 / Price: 0 USD / Author: MODW

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