MODW.NETGames / Simulation → Makeover Salon: Makeup ASMR
Makeover Salon: Makeup ASMR

Download Makeover Salon: Makeup ASMR 0.0.9 MOD APK FREE

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  • Makeover Salon: Makeup ASMR MOD
  • Makeover Salon: Makeup ASMR MOD
  • Makeover Salon: Makeup ASMR MOD
  • Makeover Salon: Makeup ASMR MOD

Makeover Salon: Makeup ASMR [MOD - Free Rewards] - is a unique mobile game that offers an immersive experience of getting a complete makeover. The game is designed to make the player feel like they are in a real makeup salon, with a variety of cosmetics and tools at their disposal. From eyelashes to lipstick, the game offers a vast array of makeup products for players to choose from, allowing them to experiment with different looks and styles. The game's standout feature is its ASMR aspect, which means Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. This creates a relaxing atmosphere as the player goes through the makeover process. The sound effects and visuals are designed to trigger a soothing, tingling sensation in the player, adding to the overall enjoyment of the game. As players complete makeovers and level up, they unlock new cosmetics, styles, and even more tools. Overall, Makeover Salon: Makeup ASMR offers an engaging and relaxing experience that can appeal to anyone looking to explore their creativity while having fun. The game is suitable for all ages and offers an excellent opportunity to learn more about makeup and beauty while having fun on your mobile device.

Download Makeover Salon: Makeup ASMR [MOD - Free Rewards] 0.0.9.apk
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The game Makeover Salon: Makeup ASMR.apk has been tested and does not contain any viruses!

Site MODW.NET checks every game and program, goes through a long check for performance, each mod contains a lot of useful features that will simplify your gameplay.
Updated: 9-05-2023, 17:12 / Price: 0 USD / Author: MODW

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